Infrastructure Service

Infrastructure Services: Comprehensive IT Solutions

Gone are the days when IT played a supporting role to a business organization, now IT drives the business. Investing in the right IT Infrastructure and maintaining it effectively is of paramount importance to organisations, more than ever, to maintain their competitive edge. With the advent of new technologies, increasing number of databases, multiple networks, increasing number of threats to information security, to design, deploy and manage IT infrastructure is becoming more and more challenging. This task requires substantial amount of time, financial and human resources and also distracts organisations from concentrating on their core business

Server Infrastructure Solutions

Server Infrastructure Solutions

  • As organisations grow, the need for more, better, faster servers grow as well. Servers cost a huge share of an organisation's total_IT expenditure-and not utilizing them to optimum levels can have an adverse impact on the ROI.
  • ID's server infrastructure solutions ensure that high levels of availability is maintained. Our solution manages every aspect of your server systems including OS updates and patches, directory services etc. ID also manages the availability of your messaging solutions, middleware and application servers so that all your enterprise applications cater to your business needs round-the-clock.
Managed Security Services

Managed Security Services

  • As technology advances and help organisations operate effectively so does the security threats to your IT infrastructure that can bring your business to a standstill. As an organisation you are seriously concerned about the loss, manipulation, theft of your business-critical data and your stakeholder's ’private data. To counter this threat, a mere fire fighting routine may not be enough and even jeopardize the future of your business
  • ID takes a proactive role in managing your IT security and our managed security services can detect a threat and prevent them even before any damage is made.
End User Computing Services

End User Computing Services

  • As employees-want more of personalization and flexibility with their desktops, Organisation's 'efforts to adhere to standards, policies and compliance is becoming tougher day by day. In many instances, employers do not have any control over the employees' desktop, the applications running in them or the information residing in them thus making the desktop more vulnerable.
  • ID can design, deploy and manage a standardised desktop environment adhering to the compliance standards and one that is also aligned with the different business needs of the different roles played by your employees.
Infrastructure Virtualisation Services

Infrastructure Virtualisation Services

  • While organisations want to encourage and adapt to green IT initiatives, they are also concerned about the higher cost involved in it. Virtualisation of IT infrastructure enables organisations to achieve both the objectives of reducing environmental impact and also reducing the IT expenditure. Hence it has become inevitable and a technology organisations should not overlook.
  • ID helps organisations to make their IT infrastructure leaner and cut down costs by providing virtualisation of servers and storages. ID's previous experience in providing virtualisation services and its expertise in technologies such as Windows, Linux, HP, EMC, VMware ensure that you reap all the benefits virtualisation will offer.

Network Management Services

  • With every day, the notion ’The network is the computer-is becoming more and more true. Your network forms the backbone of your IT operations as it connects your organization to information, customers, partners, and vendors through the internet or your intranet. Any bottlenecks, downtime in your network can directly impact the bottom line.
  • ID manages the networks of numerous clients involving services such as LAN, WAN, VPN, VOIP and this experience also translates in to ID's expertise in managing different kind of equipments such as routers, firewalls etc.
Performance Analysis & Tuning

Performance Analysis & Tuning

  • Ability of your database to manage higher loads during increased/peak business activities is of great importance to maintain high availability. Performance analysis and tuning your database appropriately helps organisations to achieve this task cost effectively without investing huge sums in extra hardware. Enhancing today ’s modern and complex database systems is time consuming and requires high levels of expertise.
  • ID takes a holistic approach to performance analysis and tuning of databases. Our experts not only address your immediate bottlenecks but also the underlying flaws in order to enhance the database ’s performance for a long time to come.